
“Digitalisation can unlock Tajikistan’s untapped potential”

15 Jan 2024 Jovid Ikromi, a John Smith Fellow (2017) from Tajikistan is advocating for policies that will speed up digitalisation in his country and create a better quality of life for all.

“We must not conflate Belarus with Russia”

21 Dec 2023 John Smith Fellow Anton Radniankou (Belarus, 2018) explains why and how UK and European policy makers should engage with Belarus’s pro-democracy movement. 
Five images showing 5 flags of Central Asian countries in the shape of the countries they represent and a cover from the Foreign Affairs Committee report

Views from Central Asia on UK foreign policy

08 Dec 2023 As the UK Parliament reviews its engagement and diplomacy in Central Asia, John Smith Fellows from the region provide their unique insights and perspectives.

New programme launches for Belarusians in exile

21 Nov 2023 John Smith Trust’s Belarus Diaspora Fellowship Programme, which launches today, will support six Belarusian professionals living in exile.

Ukrainian Women’s Leadership programme to support Ukraine’s recovery

17 Nov 2023 The John Smith Trust is partnering with The University of Edinburgh Business School to develop a leadership programme for Ukrainian women currently living in the UK.
A woman sitting in front of a notebook, with a headphone in her ear, her head turned to us, another woman on the screen of the notebook smiling, they are on a video call

7 interview tips to help you shine

23 Aug 2023 What do we mean when we talk about “authenticity”? What’s the STAR approach and how can it help in an interview? Read our interviewers’ top tips to find out. 

The environmental impacts of Russia’s war on Ukraine concern us all

15 Aug 2023 On 18 July, Fellows, UK parliamentarians and environmental experts discussed the impact of Russia’s war on Ukraine on the environment and what can be done to better monitor the damage and bring Russia to justice. 
Portrait of a man in a suit wearing glasses

A bridge between business and government in Kyrgyzstan

26 Jul 2023 In his new role as Head of Secretariat of the Investment Council, Kyrgyz Fellow Uluk Kydyrbaev is helping shape a policy environment in which entrepreneurship can thrive

John Smith Trust launches new fellowship programme

17 Jul 2023 We’re inviting exceptional young professionals and change-makers from 12 countries in Eastern Europe, the Caucasus and Central Asia to apply for our next fellowship programme. This will take place online from August 2023 to February 2024 and includes a two-week residential programme in the UK.
People sitting around a desk during a discussion with two people facing and three people with their backs to the viewer

Mentoring offers huge benefits for professional growth

11 Jul 2023 Our new mentoring programme is a unique opportunity for all John Smith Fellows to tap into the wealth of expertise and experience within our network – as both mentors and mentees.
part of a ceiling of a traditional Kazakh tent with decoration

The unfolding conversations on colonial legacies and how to counter them

16 Jun 2023 Speaking up about repression during the Soviet Union’s colonial rule is empowering communities to come to terms with historical trauma. 
An image of a woman in purple jumper with long hair, smiling, a plant in a pot next to her and a window behind her.

“We encourage citizens to speak up”

05 May 2023 To tackle corruption effectively, Moldova needs both transparent governance and engaged citizens who know their rights and can hold the authorities to account
A man wearing a jacket sitting in a TV studio with a camera behind him

Moldova: on the frontline of Russia’s misinformation war

24 Apr 2023 Moldova is facing a barrage of Russian propaganda, misinformation and fake news. Alexei Tulbure, a media commentator and director of Moldova’s Oral History Institute, is working to counter this threat 
Three women at a table, one of them wearing green jumper, others wearing black. The woman in green jumper is talking and the other two are listening.

The value of leadership networks in times of crises

18 Apr 2023 Fellows from across Eastern Europe, the Caucasus and Central Asia are rethinking governance and leadership in the context of ongoing global crises
a photo of a man from his chest up dressed in black t shirt, smiling

Ukrainian deputy defence minister: dignity comes from knowledge

31 Mar 2023 Andriy Shevchenko, a John Smith Fellow, has been appointed deputy defence minister of Ukraine, a role through which he will contribute to the defence of his nation against the Russian invasion.
People standing at a desk with a screen behind them saying The John Smith Trust Network Meeting and Yuksalish above the screen

Central Asian Fellows in Tashkent: strengthening regional cooperation

24 Mar 2023 The geopolitical impacts of Russia’s war on Ukraine have opened up new opportunities for regional development in Central Asia, creating a renewed drive for cooperation between countries in the region
A man holding a microphone, talking, next to a screen and a sign iPark.

Can technology unlock future jobs in Tajikistan?

10 Mar 2023 Jahongir Aminjanov, a John Smith Trust Fellow (2019), wants to encourage technology to address a lot of social and economic issues in the country, like youth unemployment. He sees the future – especially after Covid – where technology really can have an impact in the development of Tajik society. Whether it’s education, healthcare, finance or anything else.
A woman with long dark hair sits at a table with a laptop in front of her, holding a mobile phone to her ear, smiling. She wears a white shirt.

Public-private partnerships create social impact in Kyrgyzstan

03 Mar 2023 Albina Rakhmidinova, a lawyer and John Smith Trust Fellow (2019), was among the first people to see the potential for public-private partnerships (PPPs) – collaborations between government agencies and private-sector companies in Kyrgyzstan.
A child holding up a sign 'Stop war in Ukraine'

Statement on Ukraine from the John Smith Trust

24 Feb 2023 We express our ongoing support for the people of Ukraine who are defending their freedom and we continue to support all efforts to end Russia’s unprovoked invasion.
Men and women in a large room, sitting on chairs in a circle

Moldova: opportunities in the midst of crisis?

22 Feb 2023 As the anniversary of Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine arrives, neighbouring Moldova is at a pivotal moment and faces a struggle to defend itself against Russian aggression.